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Through Fresh Eyes: Hearing from a first-time Family Camper

Through Fresh Eyes: Hearing from a first-time Family Camper

During the summer, I go out on the Tuesday afternoon catamaran tour that Mount Hermon offers. It’s a great place to spend time with our family camp guests, reconnect with friends and meet new ones as well. If you’ve never tried it before, I recommend it!

Now, it’s not lost on me that we live in, arguably, one of the most fantastically beautiful places in the world. And out there on that boat, the majesty of creation is on full display. But, can I confess something? Every once in a while, I lose sight of just how special it is to be on that boat. Sometimes it’s chilly out there or I have a checklist of things to do back at the office that’s niggling in the back of my mind. I have to remind myself to look around, to look at the other people’s faces as we sail over the waves and around the bay. And then I am reminded how unique this opportunity is.

We just are wrapping up Family Camp for the summer. It’s my 28th summer spent working at Mount Hermon and by now I am familiar with the rhythms of summer. I think that’s why it’s so refreshing to talk to people who are brand new to Mount Hermon and can help me see this place through fresh eyes.

The LaBouliere Family attended Family Camp at Mount Hermon for the first time this year and I got to chat with Stephanie about her and her family’s time with us.

J.R.: So, Stephanie, what brought you to Family Camp at Mount Hermon?

Stephanie: Well, our friends had been talking about it for years. We always wanted to go, but since we have a family of six and are in the military, we really weren’t sure how to make it work financially. Family Camp is something we’ve always wanted to do, so we were really thankful to receive the military campership this year.

J.R.: That’s so great! We love when people receive a campership and it removes the barrier to them experiencing camp! We hope your week of family camp blessed your family.

Stephanie: It was beyond anything that I could have imagined. First of all, everybody says that Sabbath is really important, but it’s really hard for me to do that on a normal vacation because my motherly duties still exist. Most moms have no concept of what that would be like because it’s just not possible. When we got to Mount Hermon, I just couldn’t believe that the meals were all taken care of, everything was walkable, and all the incredible activities were already planned for us.

J.R.: We’re so glad you enjoyed the activities! What, in particular, did your family enjoy?

Stephanie: Well, we have four kids ages 4 to 14, so I was amazed at how there really was something for everyone! The ropes course, the mountain biking, the basketball tournament— all of those more active things appealed to my older kids. And then there were other things, like the craft room and creek walking that appealed to my younger kids. My husband and I truly had a blast participating in all of these activities that were world-class level.

J.R.: Did your family enjoy the meals in the dining hall?

Stephanie: I know I already mentioned this, but the fact that I didn’t have to plan, shop, cook, and clean up after each meal just totally freed me up to be present with my family for the week. That was such a gift. But also, I didn’t expect the special touches, like the volunteers greeting us at each meal and making that experience so warm and personal. I loved that.

J.R.: What was your kids’ favorite part of camp?

Stephanie: It’s hard to say. They loved every minute. I think their favorite things were probably Day Camp and Child Care. I have a couple shyer kids and they always feel nervous in a new setting at school or church. The fact that they bounded through the gates after the first time going in just told me everything I needed to know. The counselors were sharing truth and caring for my kids’ hearts. That’s what every parent wants. And, knowing that my kids were doing so well helped me relax, focus, and grow during my sessions.

J.R.: We know you came here from Colorado for camp. How did the natural beauty compare to your home state?

Stephanie: I had never seen the redwoods, so I had no idea how magnificent they would be! On our first day we went creek walking and I kept looking around and couldn’t believe the redwoods were real! It looked like a movie set!

J.R.: I think I know the answer, but can we look forward to seeing your family next year?

Stephanie: Yes! I was the one that has always wanted to attend Family Camp, but my husband and I both had such a blast with our family that we are going to make it happen next year. Towards the end of the week we looked at each other and said, “Okay, now we do this every year!”

Isn’t that encouraging? I love that a new family who encounters our ministry can feel the presence of God through our programs, the people serving, and the creation we are surrounded by. Talking to “first-time Family Campers” is always a great reminder for me of how truly unique and powerful this ministry really is. I’m thankful for another summer sailing along with Mount Hermon.

If you were moved by the LaBouliere family’s story, prayerfully consider donating to the Campership fund. Visit to learn more.

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