Looking Back
62 years of Redwood Camp, summer staff, Board of Directors, the last 13 years on Mount Hermon’s staff, this is a place where God is at work, a place at the core of my life in Christ.
Linda and I are grateful that the Lord orchestrated it in such a manner! Yet, all good things must come to a … change point. I am retiring from Mount Hermon the end of September, and Linda and I will be moving to Sonora. We will focus our next ten years on ministry to couples in ministry. Oh! And our grandsons!
Linda’s and my Mount Hermon story is not unusual, it’s what God does so powerfully in those called “apart with Him.” Our story is writ sweetly, both among the Mount Hermon family, and among those who’ve made this place a part of their family. Relationships forged in unity in Christ never fade. Linda and I will see many of you when we visit our “Mount Hermon Home.”
My Mount Hermon journey began in 1955 at Redwood Camp. My three siblings and I received a “week” each summer as a birthday gift, in the hope we would have an eternal “birth day.” We carried the gospel home from camp each year, and seeds of life were sown. It is directly attributable to those years at Redwood Camp that in 1966 our entire family came to Christ! Thank you for your camperships!
I’m eternally grateful to have worked with Roger Williams, such a mentor and friend. By God’s grace he asked me to join the Mount Hermon team, allowing Linda and me to serve alongside some dear friends. We travel on by God’s calling, but our hearts remain. Ours are truly lives transformed.