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Count On Us

Count On Us

I love a good story, especially a great Mount Hermon story!  So when I received this encouraging note from a young Family Camp couple, I knew I wanted to share it with you:

“I grew up coming to Mount Hermon. The weeks I spent at camp in my teen years were without question the most formative weeks of my life. As a child of a single parent, we could not afford camp without help. Each year, I was the recipient of a campership, and I am forever grateful to those who gave to make that experience possible. 

Now that I am in my 30s and married, I love being able to give back to Mount Hermon. After our church, Mount Hermon is our first giving priority. My wife and I met here, and year after year, we see the impact this ministry has on thousands of lives. How could we not give? We trust the leadership, and know that God uses our donations to transform lives, the same way that my life was transformed thanks to the generosity of other people more than 20 years ago.

Several years ago, I remember my pastor sharing how online monthly giving was a huge blessing for our church. Knowing there was a consistent stream of support coming in month after month was so helpful for the church to be able to plan and budget. We know the same is true for any ministry, especially Mount Hermon.

My wife and I want Mount Hermon to know they can count on us month after month. We want them to be able to make plans and extend camperships to families and kids in need knowing there is a steady stream of donations coming.  We know many people are touched at Mount Hermon and we want that to continue. We plan to keep giving every month for the rest of our lives!”

I love this story because they are absolutely right! Online monthly giving is a significant blessing to Mount Hermon. We are grateful for every single gift no matter the size, and are uniquely grateful for our supporters who faithfully give month after month to ensure that our year-round programs can continue to thrive!

THANK YOU to each and every one of you who currently give monthly through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or your credit card! If you have never thought about giving monthly online, I encourage you to prayerfully consider doing so. Whether it is ten dollars a month or a thousand, every gift is a blessing that impacts lives and grows the Kingdom.

You can set up online giving at or by calling Karen Crist at 831.430.1244

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