Breaking from the Noise
Kidder Creek is all about outdoor adventures in God’s creation. We believe breaking from distractions helps us connect with Jesus and helps us focus on Him and not the noise, noise, noise that surrounds us. Unfortunately for years our Timberline camp facility has been overshadowed by the noise of an electrical generator any time we wanted to have the lights on. This year with the help of generous volunteers and donors we’ve been able to put the infrastructure in place to run electricity to this remote camp. Trenches have been dug, conduit has been laid, and we’re in the final phase of fundraising to buy and install the electrical cable and transformers to plug it all in! You can still participate in making serenity a reality at Timberline. Thank you for your help to make Timberline a distraction-free camp where kids can hear from Jesus!
You can be a part of restoring the peace and quiet by learning more at