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CEO Search Update – August 2024

CEO Search Update – August 2024

One of the most frequently asked questions we hear at Mount Hermon is “How is the CEO search going?”

We are so grateful for the thousands of people praying for the search process. When we began the search last fall, we committed to find the candidate God has for us remembering: God is in control, and we want His candidate in His timing. This has not changed!

As many of you remember, this past spring we interviewed several candidates, but did not feel the Lord leading us strongly to select one of them. Our search firm has continued to talk to several candidates and we continue to listen closely to the Lord’s clear direction. We are currently interviewing additional candidates, but we know that the complexities of Mount Hermon will require a unique blend of giftings, and we also know that God has the perfect person in mind, and the perfect timing.

In the meantime, we are thrilled at how the Lord is blessing the ministry of Mount Hermon. Our camps are growing, we are seeing hundreds of people make decisions for Jesus, and our  Board of Directors and Leadership Team are committed to moving
ministry forward.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our future CEO and please keep praying for us as we interview candidates and listen for God’s clear direction.

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