Kidder Creek Year End Update

Kidder Creek programs are some of the most diverse programs in the camping world.
Campers have the opportunity to ride horseback in the wilderness, go whitewater rafting, climb the side of a mountain, and even go mountain biking! This year, we saw solid growth in the number of campers and guest groups at Kidder Creek. Being in the midst of God’s beautiful creation sets the stage for powerful conversations about how the same God that created all of this majesty took, even more, care and concern in creating each person.
387 Camp Hope Campers | 37 Kidder Creek Programmed Events | 530 Guest Group Campers | 2,193 Campers | 198 Campers Made a Faith Commitment
“Natasha got a lot more clarity on the gospel and what it means to be a Christian (even though she is in a church youth group.) When I got her from the bus, she was so excited! She had made so many friends and had such a good time. It truly does begin to reflect the body of Christ where there are no divisions of race and class. For someone with her background and home situation, camp is a confidence builder for her. It gives her experiences she would otherwise never have.”
1,240 Fall Festival Attendees | $5,043 Camperships Raised
“I had so, so, so much fun and got to try things I’ve never done before. Every person I met at camp has made an impact on my thoughts, my personal life, my relationship with Jesus, and also the person I want to be. It’s definitely the best camp experience I have had so far and I’m going to miss the people just as much as the place.”