TAYLOR’S TIPS for a productive writing career…
One of our Writers Conference faculty, B. J. Taylor, sent this blog today. Enjoy!
When the professional photographer set up a fan and started blowing my hair around I wanted to yell STOP. Wind-blown hair, flying all over the place, that’s just not me. It felt uncomfortable. It felt like I wasn’t in control–every strand of hair wasn’t perfectly in place. It felt well, different. But I told myself it was okay to stretch, to take a leap of faith, to stick my neck out there…to blow in the wind. So I let her take the shots. And I looked at them when she was done. Hmmm…I liked it. I was out of my comfort zone, but it felt kind of good.
I wondered if I was in a comfort zone with my writing. Reach out and try new markets? That would be too scary. Speak at a women’s event? Goosebumps would break out all over my body. Write a novel? Too daunting to even think about.
But what am I getting by doing what I’ve always done? I’m getting the same thing as always. So for 2009 will you join me? Let’s take some chances, fly with the wind, dare to risk. Let’s stick our necks out. Here’s a list of some of the things you might try:
- Write a book proposal for that idea you have.
- Speak at an event, or join a speaker’s bureau, to get your feet wet.
- Make an appointment to talk to an editor or agent at a conference.
- Submit to three new markets.
- Begin to work on your novel (you know you’ve been thinking about it!).
- Take a class to beef up your writing skills.
- Join a writers group.
What else can you think of that is outside of your comfort zone? It might be a little scary and feel quite uncomfortable, but pretty soon if you keep doing it you’ll become more and more at ease with stretching, growing, and blowing in the wind.
Fly with me in 2009. And if you want accountability, send me a quick email to tell me WHAT you plan to do…and then as Nike says, “Just Do It!
Follow your dreams…
B. J. Taylor
[email protected]