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Writers Digital Photo Album On-line

Writers Digital Photo Album On-line

Good morning to you!

The 2010 Writers Conference Photo Album is on-line at  This is just for your viewing pleasure. If you want a copy, you can order one as well.  There appears to be a great option right now for a FREE photobook if you download a coupon by May 1, so give it a go.  Here’s the process for getting into the book.

  • Go into the internet and access
  • On the left hand side is a listing of items.  Click on “MyBookshelf” which takes you to a page asking for information you can ignor.
  • On the right hand side is a small box asking “Looking For A Friends’ Book?”  Click here.
  • Order Number:  M1515120;  Password:   1875965

You can use the arrow to go through the book, and you can magnify pages as you like.  And if you want to purchase a copy, I think the finished price was something around $79.00.  This is a hardback book with a shiney paper cover.  The quality of MyPublisher books is like fancy coffee table books.  They’re worth every bit of the cost.  And remember,  if you are a Costco member, input your Costco number and you’ll get up to 35% discount at the end of your order (though this may be only if you download the free program first.) 

I’ve had a great time creating this for all who came to this years conference.  It has so many memories in it!   Besides, it’s a great marketing tool for you, too, as you look to get friends to come along with you  in 2011!  Enjoy!

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