Interns Make an Impact

Mount Hermon is known for creating amazing camp experiences. What many people don’t know is that Mount Hermon also has an extraordinary intern program. Every year, 13-15 post-college young adults are hired from all over the nation to work in 6 different departments at Mount Hermon. Our interns have significant responsibility in the ministry that happens at Mount Hermon and the goal is to launch these young 20-somethings out of Mount Hermon and into the next phase of their lives and careers.
Continued from Youth Newsletter
The interns’ year at Mount Hermon is divided into four phases and each phase has a distinct goal. The goal of phase one is to help the intern build his or her life on the foundation of God’s holy-love. During this phase, interns read through the Heidelberg Catechism in addition to a few other books that delve deeper into the character and work of God. The goal of the second phase is to help the intern discover how God has uniquely created him or her. Interns take numerous assessments during this phase to learn more about personality, behaviors, strengths and interests. These assessments include the DISC Assessment, the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator, Strengthsfinder and the Standout Assessment. The goal of the third phase of the internship is to help the intern learn how to live and love in authentic Biblical community. During this phase, the community of interns is intentionally challenged to grow in trust, forgiveness and love for one another. The fourth and final phase of the intern program helps the intern obtain relevant skills for life, work and ministry. This happens through both the intern’s summer role at Mount Hermon and the intentional preparation of the intern for his or her next step in life, work and ministry.
We are proud of our interns and our intern program. You can learn more about Mount Hermon’s intern program at