Velocity Bike Park Update
If you’ve been following Mount Hermon Adventures for a while you’ll know that we’ve been engaged in a development project in the Santa Cruz Mountains that we’re calling the Felton Meadow. It’s a beautiful fifteen acre property with lots of open space, oak trees, and natural topography. We’ve planned several amazing improvements to the site including a community garden, day camp program and world-class bike park called “Velocity.”
The Velocity Bike Park has probably had the most press because it is the part of the project we plan to lead with and there is nothing like it currently in California. Intentionally designed to maximize instructional opportunities, Velocity is both a bike park and bike school. Using pump tracks, skills zones, flow trails, jump lines, the acro-bag and more all under the attention of trained and certified bike coaches will create a bike park like no where else.
More than just a bike park
More than just a bike park though we want to be a blessing to the local community be making sure the development is sustainable and accessible for everyone who wants to come. As we’ve worked with the county of Santa Cruz on our site master plan it has become clear that an Environmental Impact Report is the best way to complete our planning process. We’re currently working with the planning department to complete the EIR process. It’s hard to guess at how long this will take but we’ve been told to expect 12 months from when we start.
In the meantime we’re developing local program opportunities and ride clinics locally in Santa Cruz. We’re also sending the team out to research other bike parks and bike facilities that are well regarded to see what we can learn. Just recently we hit the north Tahoe area to check out the Trukee Bike Park.
Recon work at the Truckee Bike Park
The Truckee Bike Park started about three years ago when some dedicated local builders put in a pump track. In the last few years through fundraising and sponsorship efforts they’ve expanded by adding two zones of dirt jumps, a drop zone, dual slalom course and three different flow lines. What makes the park awesome is how it caters to riders of all ages and abilities—in just our group we had riders from age 7 to 42 on hardtails, xc bikes, and big enduro rides and everyone could find something to push their skills. It was encouraging to see all the families at the park and people from all walks of life enjoying being outside and developing their skills.  Visiting Truckee also reinforced the need for an awesome bike park in Santa Cruz County.
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