Something Big is Happening at Redwood Camp

Mount Hermon began its first summer of ministry in a meadow off the railroad tracks, a space now known as Redwood Camp. Since then, this sacred space has seen tens of thousands of people, young and old alike meet Jesus and experience His love firsthand!
Redwood Camp is filled with kids and non–stop fun each summer, yet its facilities and location have allowed only limited use at other times of the year. The geographical footprint is only seven acres and it’s surrounded on three sides by water, with the fourth border being Zayante Road. The guest cabins have served us well, but were built over fifty years ago with only two centrally located bath houses for boys and girls. In addition to these rustic accommodations, there is no indoor recreational facility like the McAfee Fieldhouse.
This severely limits our program options when the weather turns wet or windy. Imagine an entire weekend conference with little to no recreational options, due to inclement weather.
Now imagine a brand new year–round recreation pavilion, packed with kids, surrounded by new guest cabins, designed and built for year–round comfort, with increased acreage for recreation. That would require a miracle, you say? Then please join with me as we Praise the Lord for how He is opening doors that allow Redwood Camp to be just that in the future!
Consider this: when Mount Hermon purchased the 15 acres of land, now called The Felton Meadow, this significantly increased our opportunities for exciting and new recreational growth at Redwood Camp.
Add to this our plan for new guest cabins designed with bathrooms and showers, along with more interior space, thanks to a two–story layout that maximizes ministry and minimizes land use. This design protects and preserves our proven counselor–to–camper ratio. Final design is pending and cabin funding is still needed.
Now the REALLY exciting news: Late last year a family who loves Mount Hermon
heard from Heaven regarding our need for a year–round recreational pavilion. PTL! They are responding by providing the majority of the funds needed to build this amazing new facility! Prayers, plans and preparation for this pavilion go back decades, but now, through the faithfulness and generosity of this family, the Lord has provided 80% of the funding we need to get started. We anticipate breaking ground this Fall. Piece by piece the Lord is providing a miracle. Just imagine the impact on all the additional children and adults whose lives will be touched and transformed due to the increased year–round ministry at Redwood Camp!
Roger Williams often said: “You can’t minister to empty beds.” You and I can make a difference; we can be part of God’s plans to build a new Redwood Camp and reach more lives for Jesus. I invite you to join with us.