All-Comers- just around the corner
A Weekend for Singles and Couples
Sold out each year, All–Comers Weekend is one of Mount Hermon’s most popular conferences for singles and couples. Inspiring teaching from the Word, skilled worship leadership, helpful seminars and, of course, great food and lodging combine to make this retreat a “must.” Our extended three-night format makes All-Comers that much more special.
All-Comers offers a three-night alternative to the usual two-night couples conference series. Held over the longer Presidents’ Holiday weekend, it is geared for those 45 and older, although anyone may attend.
Speaker: Dr. Dick Foth, who is a spiritual adviser to a number of political figures in Washington, D.C. and is a popular speaker in the areas of leadership, relationships and communication. An ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, Dick served as a church planter establishing Urbana Assembly of God, Urbana, Illinois, adjacent to the University of Illinois (1967-1978). Foth served as president of Bethany College in Scotts Valley, Calif. (1978-1992). He then moved to Virginia to focus on speaking and writing.Foth attended UC Berkley and earned a B.A. from Bethany Bible College. He received an MA from Wheaton Graduate School in Illinois and a D.Min. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He and his wife, Ruth, co-authored a book entitled When the Giant Lies Down. They have been published in Virtue, Today’s Pentecostal Evangel, Advance, Enrichment and Moody Monthly. He sees his ministry calling as “focusing on the ideas of alienation and reconciliation through building relationships around Christ in the marketplace of politics and business.”
Musicians: Six-4-One Vocal Band, Bellevue, WA.
Hosts are David & Carla Talbott, Roger & Rachel Williams and Dave & Leslie Burns.
This is sure to be a great weekend!
- Seminars
- Great teaching
- Rich worship
- Concerts
- Delicious buffets
- Fitness center
- Redwood Canopy Tour