A Fresh New Year Lies Ahead

It’s January and a fresh new year lies ahead. Over the last century God has generously blessed Mount Hermon through people just like you. Your gift is part of a living legacy.
A wonderful note accompanied a 2011 year-end gift from a family with their own living legacy.
“…Last summer we sent our grandson to Ponderosa Lodge. His friend was able to join him, thanks to help from your Campership Fund. Thank you for making that possible. At the end of the week when we picked them up, the first thing they asked was: Will we be able to come back next year? We would like to make that experience possible for twenty-five campers in 2012. Twenty-five times three hundred thirty-one equals eight thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars. May God use these camperships to bless and reach people for His Kingdom…”
We’re excited about 2012 because the opportunities to help people focus on Jesus Christ continue to grow! Young and old can come to Mount Hermon, step away from the distractions of daily life and hear the clear loving message of the Gospel. The need has never been greater, and because of your prayers and financial investments, you are a part of all that happens here.
Thank you for joining us on this adventure! With the new-year we start all over again and we pledge to apprise you of our needs and to do so with integrity. If we can serve you in any way, we are always as close as your phone, so please feel free to call us anytime at 831.430.1237.
On behalf of Roger Williams and the entire Mount Hermon family, thank you for being our partners in ministry!