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Introducing: Velocity Bike Parks

Introducing: Velocity Bike Parks

When Mount Hermon miraculously acquired the property at the bottom of Conference Drive, adjacent to Redwood Camp, known as Felton Meadow, the possibilities felt endless on what could be done and what the ministry impact could look like. Prayer and research allowed several ideas to float to the top, but there was one that resonated deeply – an adventure park that would include a mountain bike park.

For the last several years we have had front row seats to the ministry impact of the Redwood Canopy Tours and how guests we never thought we would encounter are coming and being introduced to Mount Hermon, the beauty of God’s Creation and the love of Jesus. The Felton Meadow property gives Mount Hermon an opportunity to reach out and serve another yet another unique audience.

Mount Hermon’s location places us in the middle a very unique demographic in this area that is hungry for a mountain bike type of activity.

That being the case, we would like to introduce to you: Velocity Bike Parks.


Velocity bike parks and camps will be a gravity and cross-country focused instructional mountain bike experience. Our 15 acre park will employ world-class, Christian instructors, utilize the best in terrain design and rental equipment to provide inspirational skill based bike programming to youth, adults and families. Teaching bike skills and a love of cycling will give us an entirely new audience and will lead to transformed relationships in families, friends, our community and ultimately with Christ.

Velocity will contain two pump tracks, dirt jumps, aerial airbag, cross-country skills loops, and downhill flow trails served by a magic carpet system for transporting guests up the hill. Not only is Velocity a new model of ministry for Mount Hermon, it’s an entirely new model of bike programming and will become a trendsetting site for the entire bike industry.

As a component of Mount Hermon Adventures, Velocity Bike Parks follows our core values of Quality, Authenticity, and Inspiration. Beyond our values we’ve identified five philosophies of how Velocity will directly support and enhance our missional goal of lives transformed.

Flexible: We will allow the objectives of the program or the needs of the demographic to determine how we accomplish the goal. Velocity will seek to reach youth through day camp programs, drop in programs, and after school programs. We will reach out to families and adults with skills clinics and programs led by industry professionals.

Holistic: Like many of our programs Velocity will use activity and God’s creation, as well as our lives and words, as tools to speak to the whole person.

Journey: Velocity will provide programs for people at all stages of their journey, not just as a cyclist but as a child of God.

Intentional: Velocity will program all activities to maximize the whole experience – no wasted time, no filler. Our skills lessons, camps and clinics will be full to the brim with useful information, drills, and coaching and will also create intentional opportunities for staff to share their testimonies and from their hearts.

Collaborative: If we can form a strategic alliance with another organization that furthers our work and promotes our mission we will do so.

We are so excited about what this new adventure will bring. Please join with us in prayer as we build our curriculums, continue to raise funds, and collaboratively work with our county officials. Summer 2015 is going to be an exciting one! 

To keep up with the progress of Velocity Bike Parks visit:

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