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An Eternal Investment

An Eternal Investment

As my first summer as President/CEO comes to a close I am deeply grateful to God for His work in this special and unique place known as Mount Hermon. Individuals have been refreshed, marriages renewed, families reconnected, and lives transformed. Glory to God for the great things He has done!

Throughout the summer I have had numerous conversations with people who have told me why they love Mount Hermon and have chosen to invest financially in this place. I have heard the following themes reverberating as to why people give to Mount Hermon:

“We support Mount Hermon because it’s a place where people’s lives are forever changed.”

“Mount Hermon is where we’ve grown the most spiritually and we want to pass this on to the next generation. We give because we desire for our children and grandchildren to continue going to Mount Hermon long after we have departed from this earth.”

“We are legacy oriented and investing in Mount Hermon makes an eternal difference.”

Victory Circle testimonies tell it all!

In a day when our culture goes against the grain of biblical truth, what Mount Hermon stands for and provides is more important than ever. Your prayers and investment in this ministry are making an eternal difference, and I want to say a huge “thank you” for your faithful support and love of the Lord and His work at Mount Hermon. What you do matters, and I want you to know that you are greatly appreciated!

Read more about Mike’s Journey

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