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A Glimpse of How We Are Doing – Ponderosa Lodge

A Glimpse of How We Are Doing – Ponderosa Lodge

Charlie Broxton, Director of Youth Ministries, reports:

Our lessons this summer were on the faithfulness of God and what it means to have a real relationship with him. We taught each student a simple method for personal daily Bible Study and challenged them to continue the practice beyond camp for the next 21 days.

Ben, one of our counselors, shared that four guys in his cabin are taking the 21-Day Challenge together when they return home. They are calling it the 21-Meeting Challenge. They are going to meet every day for the 20 days following camp to read through the assigned passages and share with each other what God is teaching them.

And a high school camper writes:

“Kevin was an amazing counselor who really understood me. A lot of the problems and questions I challenged him with, he was able to answer in a really simple, yet powerful way. He taught me so much about God’s love and grace. I told him a lot about times in my life where I didn’t feel His love, but he gave me a verse that crushed any doubts I had about God’s love. (Romans 8:38-39). We also talked about some things that I have been doing wrong in my life, but I learned from him so much about love and grace. Thanks for hiring Kevin, he changed my whole perspective on Christianity and life.”

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