Intern Update :: Week of Oct 11
Hey Mount Hermon Interns! I hope your week is going great!
Here are this week’s announcements:
-Don’t forget to fill out your coaching questionnaire and email it to me. Also, make sure to take your DISC test. Both of these things need to be done by this Thursday. Bring a print out of your DISC test with you to this Thursday’s meeting.
– Those of you who are not on this week’s program retreat will have professional development on Wednesday morning at 9. You will meet after staff prayer.
-Big thanks to the guys who moved back the furniture. I appreciate your willingness to serve!
-The Gudnasons have extended an invite to all of you to watch TV with them on Mondays and Thursdays starting at 8pm.
Thanks for being faithful servants. See you Thursday at 3.
Thanks for the update. Hope the program retreat is going well. Is it possible to get some time with you (Charlie) before or after Thursday’s meeting?