Thank You Volunteers!!

Thank you Rolling Hills Covenant Church!
Last Month Marked the LAST MONTH that a group of students from Rolling Hills Covenant Church from WAY down in Southern California would come for their annual spring break service trip.
Thirty years ago, they began traveling to this area to work with Tim Lloyd (our facilities manager) at a different camp in the area to help get the camp ready for the summer. In 2000, Tim made the transition to Kidder Creek and the group from Rolling Hills followed him.
Their work has been invaluable in helping us get ready every spring. These students come and do the work that’s not terribly fun, but very important like raking, clearing ditches, scrubbing the pond and clearing brush. The amount of man hours they put in is going to be hard to replace.
Due to the cost of transportation, they are stopping their trip. To all of you who came here through Rolling Hills Covenant Church over the years: Thank you so much! Your service has been such a blessing!
To all of our volunteers who have given time, talents and resources. Thank YOU! You are a part of God’s work at Kidder Creek Camp and a part of Lives Transformed!! Everywhere you look around Kidder Creek you see the touches of the many volunteers who faithfully serve campers, work on projects and serve meals. Kidder Creek would not be the great place it is without you.