Associates in Ministry – More than just a celebration!

If you were at one of our AIM Celebrations in May or August, you know God is doing exciting things at Mount Hermon. You heard about Felton Meadow and Velocity Bike Park, Camp Hope at Kidder Creek, and our intentionality in reaching the post-modern generation. The excitement was palpable.
Our goal at every AIM event is to keep Associates informed and updated on all God is doing here. If you missed out, go to, so you can catch up.
At our May event, 375 “family” members joined us as we blessed and dedicated the Felton Meadow project, including Velocity Bike Park. We gathered at Redwood Camp to look out across the land and envision all God will do through this gift from Him.
At our August AIM event, 200 Associates gathered for a lively time, with kids included. The facilities update is always a highlight. Our time was rounded out with s’mores, a comedy Improv Night, and a great Q & A session with J.R. Loofbourrow, Lisa Olson, and Nate Pfefferkorn.
Our purpose at every AIM celebration is to bring Associates together for information and fellowship. Even more importantly, it is a time to thank you! We celebrate you and your choice in committing to the ministry of Mount Hermon. We can’t wait until next year.
Mark your calendars: 2015 dates are
May 8—9 and August 15—16.
Thank you for being a
part of something BIG!