Keeping Children Safe
This week at Play School, after the children went home, a small group of parents and staff took a class on CPR and 1st Aid for children and adults. It was a refresher class for all of us but we all learned some new things.
One thing that impressed me was that grapes need to be cut in 1/4 to be served to children. Hot dogs are to be cut lengthwise into 4 long pieces. These two foods are high on the choking scale and we learned how to ‘pop’ food out of a choking victim if needed.
I found the following information online from the
U.S. National Library of Medicine
“The automobile accounts for the largest number of these accidental deaths. Make sure that all infants and children use the proper child car seats, booster seats, and seat belts.”
“Other top causes of accidental death are drowning, fire, falls, and poisoning.”
Next week we will have the Felton Fire department come and talk to the older class about fire safety. It is one of the most fun days at Play School. The children get to squirt the hose, sit in the fire truck, talk to the firefighters, and try on the uniforms. Of course we take LOTS of photos.
Parents are encouraged to have a family plan in case of fire at their homes. Do you have one?
Blessings to all,
Kahleen Edeal,
Director at Mount Hermon Play School