Keeping it Real
December 2, 2015

I arrived at Mount Hermon the beginning of May and have since been learning all I can about this special place. As a new leader I have enjoyed discovering our storied history, viewing our present vibrancy, and dreaming the hope of an even brighter future.
As we move toward 2016 and beyond I want to share some realities that I see facing us at this time:
- We have experienced three years of transition as our beloved leader of twenty–one years—Roger Williams—valiantly fought cancer and eventually went to be with the Lord. He is missed and his absence is felt.
- Our staff, Board of Directors and Trustees should be commended for a job “above–and–beyond” during this time of transition as they have carried the torch and burden well.
- Our Felton Meadow project continues to experience “speed bumps” that are hindering us from proceeding at this time. Be in prayer.
- We are facing significant financial challenges with numerous infrastructure needs that are both complex and vast.
- Breaking in a new leader (me) brings a steep learning curve for us all.
- We are living in an ever–changing culture that desperately needs to meet Jesus but doesn’t want religion. Maybe a camp can help.
With these realities also comes this reality: At Mount Hermon God continues to do a great work of refreshing, renewing and transforming lives in Him. Here are the realities of the work of God that I regularly see:
- Heaven will be more populated due to people of all ages giving their lives to Jesus Christ at our five camping locations. Lives Transformed. Praise God!
- Marriages are being strengthened and made healthier.
- People are growing closer to God through walks in the forest, concerts, personal contemplation, reading of God’s Word and prayer.
- People are personally challenged as they are swinging from trees, riding down mountains, hiking long distances and zipping from tremendous heights.
- Fractured families are beginning the process of long–needed mending.
- Staff members are being shaped in their character and work development while enjoying being part of a vibrant ministry.
- Military families are blessed by rare times together due to generous gifts of loving people.
- People hear God’s Word preached with strength and conviction, bringing needed personal change.
- People laugh, overeat, gain new friends (and weight), and can’t wait to return!
Mount Hermon is quite a place, a place like no other! Here’s another important reality: Mount Hermon’s mission has remained the same since its origin 110 years ago. Our stated mission is…
…to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior, teach the authoritative Word of God, and serve His church in our nation and throughout the world.
How many 110 year old Christian institutions can claim that the mission in which they started is still the mission they are presently on? Mount Hermon can, and will continue to do so. To God be the glory!