Blended Couples Retreat a Success
What happens when you create a retreat for couples that are in a blended family relationship, navigating what it is to be a step-parent? What happens when you offer practical insight into new in-laws, ex-spouses, different parenting styles, finances and so much more…?
A whole bunch of people sign up! They came not knowing each other as couples and left as friends. Gil and Brenda Stuart, from Restored & Remarried, did a masterful job of teaching us, creating a safe environment for couples interaction and deep discussions that included laughter and tears. As a step-parent myself, to be part of this conference was both rich and encouraging.
It was interesting from my vantage point as the host to observe couples sitting down for the first session and it being very quiet in the room. By Saturday night we had to find ways to quiet them down!
This conference was born out of requests from couples saying they needed something to help them better understand step-parenting and all that goes with it. Either through divorce and remarriage or death of a spouse and remarriage, many find themselves in a position of his, hers, and now, ours. This retreat addressed those issues.
Attendee comments:
This is the best couple’s retreat we have experienced. It allowed us to fellowship with other couples facing similar situations.
Please continue this conference!!
We walked away with many new insights and techniques to parenting in a step-family. Thank you.
This was an incredible opportunity to communicate with like-minded people processing similar challenges in a safe, friendly and beautiful environment!