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A Few Fun Details of 2010 Writers Conference

A Few Fun Details of 2010 Writers Conference

Has it really been since May that I’ve written on the blog? Must rectify this!

2010 Faculty are all invited –a very exciting group of people will be here to teach and facilitate this coming event. We have some first time faculty who will bring some new flavors to what is already wonderful.  There will be an Internet Major Morning Track besides a Sci-Fi/Speculative Fiction Major Morning Track . . . things we’ve never done in the longer training sessions. Prolific fiction author and teacher, Tricia Goyer, will be teaching the Teen Track which should be great fun! One of her writing students won the Most Promising Writer award last year at 17 years old and has a contract for her first historical novel with a well-known publisher!

Awards continue to grow . . . this year we’ve added a new award for the  Most Promising Teen Writer! Are there any home schoolers out there who have a group of students that like to write?  Let’s get them motivated to start saving to come to this amazing conference where they’ll be well trained in the craft of writing.   Come on, gang. Get writing!

And we have a NEW Fiction Contest as well. B&H Publishing Group is sponsoring a contest for “adding an additional ending” to Leanna Ellis’s new book, Blue Moon, which comes out in February 2010.  Length of entries is limited to 3500 words. If you’re interested, purchase your book at the first of February and read it, then get your pencil sharpened (well, you computer techies know I’m speaking in a figure of speech) and “get the lead out” on the paper so you can turn your best idea in by March 1st.  I know it doesn’t give you much time, but you can do it.  Writers need goals, right?  Details are up on the website–click “forms” at the top menu, then on “General Info for Writers” under that.  Check it out.  The winner will have some pretty wonderful opportunities.

In the meantime, continue to save your money and motivate some of your writing friends to do the same. Let’s pack the place out . . . for your creative growth and His sake!

View Comments (4)
  • i am trying to get details on the cost of the 2010 writers conference. so far, as i have checked the site i don’t see any delineation of expenses i will incur if i want to come to the conference. can someone contact me using the email address above? thanks.

  • Thanks for writing James, glad to help! I’ll answer your question here, as well as via e-mail as you requested 🙂

    If you would like to see all of the rate details there are two easy ways to calculate it. One has a list of the various rates, and the other option is to select all your options on the registration form and it will auto-calculate your total with the selected options.

    From the Writers Conference page click on the Register button and that will bring you here:

    Click “View Rate Sheet” and you’ll get the breakdown of the rates.

    And to calculate your rate with all of your selected choices, continue from there to the actual registration form, your total will be displayed at the bottom.

  • Everything I have found on the internet about purchasing ‘Leanna Ellis’s new book, Blue Moon’ says it will not be available until March of 2010. Do you know where I can order and receive the book before then?

    • Ginger, did you ever get a reply? The latest blog on the Mount Hermon website talks specifically about that. Have a read, if you haven’t already.

      Blessings, Rachel

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