Catherine Felt Appreciates all She’s Received at MH Writers Conference
When I first came to Mount Hermon four years ago, I had virtually no knowledge of the writing industry, or the craft. During my three years of attending the conference I had the chance to be mentored by two amazing Christian authors and learn about the industry from agents, editors, and other writers. The free critiques helped me fine-tune my writing. I now have a well-respected agent and am working on revising my novel. Mount Hermon Christian Writers conference is a great place to go if you want to learn how to get started as a writer. The community is friendly and helpful, and the knowledge is absolutely priceless.
Catherine Felt, YA Fantasy Novelist
L-R InkBlotz Writers Group members Joanne Reese, Cheri Williams, Catherine Felt, Hillari Delgado, Jennifer Vallier.
Just a reminder that Mount Hermon is the only Writers Conference that caters to all levels of writer, from the beginner, intermediate, to the professional. Our goal is to be able to advance skills for all levels of proficiency. We love serving all of you at the level of your abilities.
Rachel Williams, Director of Writers Conference