Writer Sees Mount Hermon Writers as Essential
As a Bible teacher and speaker I had thought it would be an easy transition to writing. Mount Hermon’s Writers Conference set me straight. When I attended my first conference in 2003, I entered a world I didn’t even realize existed. And I realized I would need to learn a new craft. It was actually frightening at first. I felt very inadequate, but the professionals at Mount Hermon balanced the reality of the business of writing with the encouragement to follow God’s call to write. Each succcessive year of attendance widened my scope of knowledge, furthered the professional contacts I made, and increased the friends who continue to teach and encourage me.
I can’t imagine trying to write professionally and not taking advantage of the vast resources Mount Hermon’s Writers Conference offers each year. It is truly a gift and worth every penny.
Mona and her husband, Gary, co-authored Unfaithful, Hope & Healing after Infidelity, published by David. C. Cook in 2006 with a revision released in 2009. She’s had several articles published and is active in a local professional writer’s group. She and her husband minister to couples in crisis through Hope & Healing Ministries. www.hopeandhealing.us