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Terrific Teaching, Fantastic Christian Fellowship and Maybe Even a Mentor or Two

Terrific Teaching, Fantastic Christian Fellowship and Maybe Even a Mentor or Two

The very first writing conference I attended was Mount Hermon in 2004, and it was a phenomenal experience for me. I took the beginner’s fiction track, which provided solid writing principles, examples and application of those techniques. The teachers, Brandilyn Collins and Randy Ingermanson, were fun, approachable, and terrific teachers. I came away with a solid understanding of story structure, character arc, and professional writing techniques.

God also worked in my life by introducing me to three writers who played significant roles in my career. Sharon Hinck, unpublished at the time, would go on to selflessly mentor me in the months after the conference. Meredith Efken, whom I had met online through American Christian Fiction Writers, mentored me through my first conference experience so that I was not overwhelmed and got the most out of it. Marilynn Griffith would later help me get my first agent and work with me to help me understand the publishing industry. In addition, I met wonderful authors like Tricia Goyer and Mary DeMuth.

Mount Hermon was a great conference for a new writer like myself, with terrific teaching and fantastic Christian fellowship.

Camy Tang writes romance with a kick of wasabi. Out now is her humorous contemporary Sushi series and her romantic suspense, Deadly Intent. She is a staff worker for her San Jose church youth group and leads a worship team for Sunday service. Visit her website at She is pictured with Brandilyn Collins.

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