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Buddy System for First Time Mount Hermon Writers

Buddy System for First Time Mount Hermon Writers

Twenty-Four Days until our Headstart Mentoring Clinic commences, and 26 days until Writers Conference begins.  Can you believe it?  We’re moving up in our registrant totals so if you’re going to come, sign up NOW!   Don’t want you stranded if you intend to experience this amazing conference this year.

Wanted to share another comment from a past writer who has been to Mount Hermon Writers Conference . . . this one from Jeanette Hanscome, our Buddy System Chairperson.  This is what she says.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down, his friend can pick him up…”  Eccesiates 4:9-10a

I arrived at my first Mount Hermon Christian Writers’ Conference in 1995 not knowing anyone.  As excited as I was, I felt clueless and scared.  I had so many questions.  What workshops should I take? What if an editor wants to see my work? What should I wear? Am I the only one who feels overwhelmed?

A few years ago, while reminiscing about our first conference experiences, my friend Marilyn Hilton, and I got an idea for a pre-conference mentoring program that would allow first-timers to get such questions answered before they arrived at Mount Hermon.  They could also receive advice on how to pace themselves through the jam-packed schedule, approach editors, and get through moments of discouragement.  The idea grew into “the Buddy System.” 

It has been so encouraging to watch the program evolve over the last few years.  God has used it to create friendships, provide conference veterans a way to give back, and allow new registrants to arrive at the conference feeling confident and ready to make the most of their Mount Hermon experience.

Are you feeling like I did in 1995–excited but petrified?  Do you have a long list of questions? Would you like to walk into the opening lunch knowing someone? Sign up for the Buddy System.  Think of it as one of those “Two are better than one” things.

You’ll get a better return for your work:  Getting pre-conference questions answered will allow you to avoid mistakes, plan ahead, and be a good steward of your five days at Mount Hermon.

If you fall down, a friend can pick you up:  If you start panicking before the conference, your buddy can encourage you.  If a crisis strikes, you have someone to pray for you. If you get discouraged halfway through the conference and are tempted to go home, you have someone to help you over the hump.  And next year you will have a place to serve at the conference as you pass all that you learned on to someone else who needs help.

If you would like to be matched with an experienced buddy, please contact me at [email protected].  If you would like to serve as a buddy, I would love to hear from you!  Buddy pairs will be matched up this week so it’s not too late.

Jeanette Hanscome has attended fifteen Mount Hermon Christian Writers’ Conferences. She is the author of three books for Focus on the Family and over 300 articles, devotions, and stories.  She lives in Reno, NV with her husband, two sons, one needy dog, and two crazy cats.  Visit her website at

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