Why Did I Go To Mount Hermon? By Pam Halter
The leader of my writer’s group told us the Mount Hermon conference was THE conference to attend if we were serious about our writing. Many Christian writers got their start at this conference. When she attended, she heard from God so clearly about her writing and it jumpstarted her career. It was professional, the workshops were great, the setting beautiful. I thought, yes, that’s for me! Then she said Mount Hermon was in California and my heart sunk. I live in New Jersey. I have a special needs daughter. We’re a single income family. How would I ever be able to do this?
It might sound a bit trite to say, well, if God wants you there, He will provide a way. But it’s true. As I was praying and wondering, someone gave me a full scholarship, including airfare, without my asking. Really! A friend remembered I wanted to attend and she told the person who offered the scholarship and they contacted me. It took my breath away! And a couple of friends volunteered to get my daughter on the school bus every morning. I made my reservations and counted down the days.
Mount Hermon was everything I had been told. I learned more about the craft and business of writing, made friends, got encouragement and was even asked for my whole manuscript. I’d like to say my career took off, but it didn’t. Not yet. God doesn’t waste anything and He confirmed my calling through the conference, so I’m persevering and waiting on His timing.
Someday, I’d like to get back out there. In the meantime, I’m writing with confidence in what God is going to do through me. I encourage all writers to work to attend this conference. You will be glad you did.
Pam Halter was a home-schooling mom for nine years and has been a children’s book author since 1995. She has published picture books, articles and devotions and is trying her hand at writing YA fantasy. Pam is a panelist on The Writer’s View 2, on staff for the Philadelphia Writer’s Conference, a member of two writer’s groups, and hosts a blog about writing fantasy. She has been a free-lance children’s book editor for three years and is the children’s editor for Fruitbearer Publishing. Pam lives in New Jersey with her husband, two daughters and three cats.