Boyz II Men
In the past few decades, the time period for adolescence has grown. In the early 20th century, adolescence generally lasted 18 months and was defined as “being responsible for oneself.” Mark Ostreicher, in his book “Middle School Ministry,” reports that sociologists and psychologists now believe that adolescence can, and often does, last 15-20 years (from age 11 to age 30). Additionally, they have boiled it down to three main questions an adolescent must answer to become an adult.
- “Who am I?” (identity)
- “What power do I have?” (autonomy)
- “Where and to whom do I belong?” (affinity)
When these tasks are “accomplished” and the questions are answered (on one level or another), one has crossed the threshold from adolescence into adulthood. I believe this is also true when it comes to our faith.
This summer Mount Hermon is doing a trial run of a program that will help 16-18 year old boys begin crossing the threshold from adolescence into adulthood in both life and faith. In this two-week program, we will point guys to Scripture to find answers to these questions as they strive to become men who seek after the heart of God. This program will be much more than a Bible study. For two weeks, these guys will live together in Biblical community, they will encourage and challenge one another, they will be real with each other, they will grow together and they will leave knowing how to live as men of great character and integrity. During this camp experience they will begin the process of answering the questions of identity, autonomy and affinity. Steve Gerali, a veteran youth worker, speaker and author will be coordinating this trial run. Feel free to check out his new book “The Crest” which is what this camp experience is based on.
We are accepting ten 16-18 year old guys into our two-week trial run on July 3rd-16th. The cost has yet to be set, but because it is a trial run it will be lower than our other camps. If you are interested, please email me by clicking here. Spaces are limited and they are expected to fill quickly.