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The Ready Writer: Intro to Writing for Publication

The Ready Writer: Intro to Writing for Publication

Each Monday, we’re featuring one of the Major Morning Tracks lined up for March 2016.

Choose one of seven tracks designed for writers at every skill level for your Major Morning Track—Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Designed with three parts packed with benefits.

  • Morning Instruction
  • Guided writing in tandem with the teaching
  • Afternoon Mentoring Groups

Instructor: Kay Marshall Strom, Author 

Kay StromKay Marshall Strom is a writer and speaker with a heart for the world-wide family of God. She has authored 44 books—nonfiction and fiction. Her writing credits include magazine articles, TV and movie scripts, curriculum, books for children, and writers’ helps. Her work appears in many compilations, including various editions of NIV Devotional Bibles. Kay and husband Dan Kline live in Eugene, Oregon.

Major Morning Track #7 of 7

The Ready Writer: Intro to Writing for Publication

Writing is both an art and a craft. In this class we will develop both sides.  Art of Writing topics will include: finding ideas and determining their marketability, managing writing time, handling acceptance, and gaining through “rejections.”  The Craft of Writing topics will focus on specific how-to’s of successful writing such as structure, theme, beginnings and endings, dialogue, characters, research, and self-editing.  You will have an opportunity to apply what you learn, and by the end the course will have a finished short piece.  This class is designed for beginning writers, and also intermediates who want a more solid writing foundation.

What specific questions do you have that you’d like Kay Strom to answer in her Major Morning Track?

If you missed any of the previously featured Major Morning Track posts you can view them here.

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