The Nature of Power
Last year, I began my job at Kidder Creek – Mount Hermon’s satellite camp in the Marble Mountains. After moving from LA County (population 10,363,850) to Greenview (population 200), I experienced a brief period of culture shock, and became somewhat of a podcast junkie. Without internet or television at my house, podcasts seemed to be my only link to the outside world, and I would download them by the gigabyte before leaving the office each day.
One of my favorites is the Discovery Channel Video Podcast – I highly recommend it. Every few days they release a new one – usually a short clip from one of their more popular programs.
I want to share one with you. It’s called “The Nature of Power: Hans Florine”
An arrogant title, no doubt – but ultra cool if your name is Hans Florine. Imagine if it was your name in there – “The nature of power: Craig Thompson” I feel my biceps growing already.
Listen to the way he talks about rock climbing – with such confidence, adoration, and excitement. I hope that’s how you talk about ministry – I hope that’s how I talk about ministry!
Hans sees climbing as a challenge, a joy, and a thrill. It consumes his attention. It is his love. Perhaps most profound: there are times when he doesn’t remember how incredible it is – until he shares it with someone else.
Check it out if you have 2 minutes.