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5 Lessons I Learned from Recess

5 Lessons I Learned from Recess

Two weekends ago, Mount Hermon hosted a weekend gathering for youth workers called “Recess.”  Youth workers came together from the Bay Area and the Central Valley to play, rest, connect and learn.  I love learning and this weekend did not disappoint.  Here are 5 simple lessons I learned from Recess:

  1. Youth workers are some of the most amazing people in the world--Youth workers give up their time, energy & resources to hang out with students who don’t often thank them or even realize the sacrifice that’s being made.  Regardless, youth workers continue to be present with these students while modeling the love and grace of Jesus.  Not only that, but each youth worker who attended Recess gave up a weekend of their free time to learn how to be a more effective minister of the gospel.
  2. We need each other–I have a tendency to think that I can do things on my own.  Sometimes I am even so arrogant to think that I know better than any one else.  The older I get, the more I realize how stupid that kind of thinking is.  I was encouraged by spending the weekend with like-minded people who have similar passions and who are reaching and discipling youth with creativity.
  3. We all need seasoned mentors speaking into our lives and ministries--Our Recess speakers this year were Brian Berry and Duffy Robbins.  For me, it was a blessing just to spend time with men who have been doing youth ministry for years and who have learned from their failures and successes.  I could’ve spent many more hours with both of these guys just asking questions.
  4. You can never have too much training–The longer I am involved in youth ministry, the more I’m tempted to think that I’ve learned everything I need to learn.  Yet, I always learn something new when I read, go to conferences or spend time with mentors and other youth workers.  The old saying, “leaders are learners” is true.  I want to continue to learn as long as I’m alive.
  5. Volunteer youth workers are my heroes–I get paid to do youth ministry; it’s my full-time job and that job pays my bills.  Volunteer youth workers, on the other hand, have full-time jobs (or they are full-time students) yet they spend their precious free time ministering to students because they believe that they can make a difference for Jesus.  That blows my mind!

Because Recess was such an amazing weekend, Mount Hermon will be hosting it again in 2012 on September 28-30.  Mark your calendars and stay tuned for details!


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