“What Does Mout Hermon Mean to You?”
by Staff
November 22, 2010

If you are in junior high, high school or college, we have a favor to ask of you. Today we are asking you, our Mount Hermon Youth/Young Adult faithful, to share your story! We are asking you to submit a short blog post (250-450 words) answering one simple question: “What does Mount Hermon/Ponderosa mean to you?” We want to hear how God has used Mount Hermon in your life.
Here are the top 5 Reasons to submit a blog post to encourage you to be a part of this:
1. It will be an act of worship–Any time we tell of God’s goodness in our lives, we are worshiping God. Just look at the psalms. God is glorified when we tell others what He has done in our lives.
2. It will encourage others in their faith–When we hear stories of how God has moved in the lives of others, we are encouraged in our own faith journey. There are hurting people just waiting to hear a story like yours that will help lead them 1 step closer to Jesus.
3. It will help you remember–It’s a proven fact that writing things down helps us to better remember them. If God has used Mount Hermon in your life, you definitely want to guard this memory so you can tell your children, your children’s children and your children’s children’s children…you get the idea.
4. It will make you famous–So this one is not entirely true; it just sounded impressive! We will, however, post a picture of you next to your blog post.
5. It will enter you into a drawing for a $100 prize--Everyone who submits a blog post will be entered into a drawing for a $100 camp discount or a $100 gift certificate at the Mount Hermon bookstore (depending on which one you want). We will conduct the drawing in late January/early February of 2011.
If you have any questions or you want to submit a blog posting, email us by clicking here.