Announcing a new major track for the Legacy Conference!
We’re excited to announce a brand new major track for this summer’s Creating a Legacy Conference, August 19-23. For the first time we’ll be offering “Health and Wellness for Life!” led by Dr. Ryan Bentley. Dr. Bentley is the author of Vessels that Thrive.
As a devoted Christian, Dr. Bentley champions the biblical idea that the human body is God’s vessel. As an innovative physician he properly defines health in terms of thriving…not just surviving.
What kind of legacy are you leaving future generations regarding health and wellness?
In this new track, Dr. Bentley will be looking closely at the generational and environmental changes that have influenced this current young population to actually have a lower life expectancy than their parents…for the first time in history!
Every generation has the ability to change the direction of the generational line for the good or for the bad. What are you doing to improve the health and wellness of those generations following you?
In the video below, Dr. Bentley details his passion and vision for generational health and wellness.
Join us at the Creating a Legacy Conference, August 19-23. For a full listing of all the major track topics offered as well as registration information, just click here.
We’ll see you at there!