Septic Repairs Update: Project Funded!

This fall, taking care of number two is our number one priority. We needed an estimated $115,000 in repairs to our sewage treatment facilities and septic tanks to keep camp flowing smoothly.
Thanks to the 325 households who gave, we just exceeded our goal!
Projects are now lined up and we’re meeting with contractors. Your gift may have prevented a defecatory disaster!
Thank you to everyone who gave to this essential need. Mount Hermon wouldn’t be the same if it weren’t for friends who give generously so others can experience what God does when they get away together at camp.
So next time you’re here, you can be sure what goes down the toilet stays down the toilet!
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Are you by any chance related to the late Leonidas L. Loofbourrow? I have a 16mm movie my dad took in the late 1930s that MIGHT have him in it and I am trying to identify whether it is Rev. Loofbourrow or not … just wondering if there is a long-time Loofbourrow connection to Mount Hermon. 🙂