An Open Letter to Our Youth Summer Staff
Dear Mount Hermon Youth Summer Staff,
We continue to spend our days praying and preparing for all that is to come. The closer we get, the more sobered I am by the reality of what God is entrusting us with as we minister to students, their families and their churches. I can’t wait for this summer but I am really glad that we have a little bit more time to prepare and pray. I am really looking forward to meeting each of you face to face next month!
As you are praying for this summer, there are 2 main things I ask you to be persistent in praying for. First, please pray that we (the summer staff) would be united in love through serving one another. The summer is amazing yet it can be long and arduous at times. We are going to need God’s power to serve Him, each other and students with hearts that are unified. “We are here to serve” is something we will hear throughout the entire summer! Second, I ask that you pray that students would be led 1 step closer to Jesus. It can be so easy for a student to come to youth group or a camp and leave having had a lot of fun without experiencing the transformative power of God. It is our desire that students leave their week at Ponderosa having taken 1 step closer to Jesus. It could be that they came as someone not interested in Him and now they are seeking Him. Maybe they came not being a follower of Jesus and they left a follower. It might even be that they came as a Christ follower with an area of their life not surrendered to Jesus and they left with it surrendered to Him. Whatever it is, our calling before God is to help them take 1 step closer to Jesus as God’s Spirit moves in their hearts.
If you have yet to become a fan of Mount Hermon Youth on facebook, please do so by clicking here. We are really going to push for this to be a place for staff and students to interact before and after the summer. It is our hope to get students connected not only to camp but also to have great follow up with them after the summer to make sure that their week at camp was more than just a mountaintop experience. If you can, please take a moment to answer the question for summer staffers by clicking here. The more you interact, the more students will be drawn here!
The time is near—keep praying! I look forward to seeing you soon.