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Two Writers Faculty with the Lord

Two Writers Faculty with the Lord

Ethel Herr and Barbara Curtis, friends, writers, and long-time members of the faculty at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, both died on October 30.  Ethel died in Sunnyvale, CA, after a lingering multi-year battle with cancer.  Barbara died of a hemorrhagic stroke in Loudoun, VA.

Ethel was one of two surviving faculty members who were at the first Mount Hermon Writers Conference, 44 years ago.  She was a busy writer, coach, and mentor.  Her surviving husband, Walter, also assisted at the Conference for many years.  Her memorial service is set for 1:30 pm on Sunday, November 11, at the Valley Church in Cupertino, CA.  A web site has details:

Barbara Curtis, 64, was the author of over 150 articles, author of nine books, and mother to 12 children, with five of them still at home.  Her family has posted a link to a picture tribute, which can be accessed through her web site at, then click on Tribute Video.  A fund to help with the support of her surviving children has been established  as The MommyLife Memorial Fund, P. O. Box 682, Lovettsville, VA 20180.

Memorial gifts may be made to the Mount Hermon Book of Remembrance at PO Box 413, Mount Hermon, CA 95041.  Family will be notified of gifts (dollar amounts are not revealed).

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  • Ethel was one of the first persons I met my first year at Mt. Hermon. Later, we both worked the core manuscript group together for many years. She loved to teach and to find the best help possible for every conferee.
    Barbara Curtis and I lived in the same area (Marin County) for many years. I remember her first year at Mt. Hermon as a conferee. She got homesick for her children and went home in the middle of the week. I remember thinking, she’s probably not going to pursue writing. The next year she came back and was recognized for a huge number of article sales made in the 12 months between conferences. I forget the number, but I’ve never forgotten what she said, “Everyone talks about how many sales I made, but they don’t know how many submissions.” She had submitted about twice the number she sold. She really set an example for everyone.

  • Ethel was the first person I officially met during my first conference. I sat next to her at the Friday lunch that launches the conference, and her encouraging words helped me take a deep breath and enjoy the experience. She was also a praying presence for the conference. You knew you could go to her at any time for prayer. That will be missed!

    Barbara became a friend as we worked together at the conference, especially the year we shared a cabin. She was a devoted writer and Mount Hermon faculty member. Even more, she was a devoted mom.

    I already miss both of these amazing women, but they will continue to be an inspiration to me as a writer and woman of God.

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