Pre-Conference Next Level Clinic ~ 12 Reasons Why
The Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference is packed with Extra Features.
The Pre-Conference Next Level Clinic is a favorite among writers wanting to take their writing to the Next Level.
12 Reasons to Take Advantage of the 2016 Next Level Clinic opportunity!
- The ability to focus on your work-in-progress in a small group without the distraction of other conference options and crowds.
- The opportunity to take your work-in-progress to the next level with a multi-published mentor AND then participate in a Major Morning Track during the Main Conference.
- NEW: A mentor for CHILDREN’S WRITERS as a GENRE WRITING option.
- Receive FEEDBACK on your work-in-progress whether it is Fiction, Nonfiction, or Children’s.
- NEW: A clinic for INTERMEDIATE FICTION writers.
- NEW: A clinic for INTERMEDIATE NONFICTION writers.
- NEW: A clinic specific to BEGINNING FICTION writers.
- NEW: A clinic specific to BEGINNING NONFICTION writers.
- NEW: An interactive PLATFORM workshop as a CAREER BOOST option.
- NEW: A hands-on SCRIVENER workshop as a CAREER BOOST option.
- Personal ONE-ON-ONE TIME with your mentor.
- Meet and interact with other writers in your genre or area of interest.
A Pre-Conference Next Level Mentoring Clinic offers an added-value opportunity for a small additional fee. Don’t miss out!
Take Your Fiction to the Next Level
Joanne Bischof | Mentor, Beginning Fiction
Take Your Children’s Writing to the Next Level
Crystal Bowman | Mentor, Writing for Children
Take Your Nonfiction to the Next Level
NEW! Kathy Ide | Mentor, Beginning Nonfiction
GROUP FULL! Jan Kern | Mentor, Beginning Nonfiction
Bill Giovannetti | Mentor, Intermediate Nonfiction
Career Boost Clinics
Take Your Platform to the Next Level
Kathi Lipp | Mentor, Platform Workshop
If you’re going traditional, publishers want to know that you have a built in audience for your book. For self-publishing, you want to know that you have a built in audience for your book. While our ways may be different, our goal is the same—we need to create a platform. Kathi Lipp will give you the step by step directions to building a platform that readers will love and publishers can’t resist.
Take Your Scrivener Savvy to the Next Level
Robin Lee Hatcher | Mentor, Scrivener Workshop
If you’re a writer, you’ve at least heard of Scrivener, and there is a good chance you have begun using it. But many only use a small fraction of the features of this powerful writing software. Come discover something new or share your favorite features with others. Bring your laptop with Scrivener installed (available free for 30 days if you haven’t already purchased) and let’s learn together.
A Pre-Conference Next Level Mentoring Clinic offers an added-value opportunity for a small additional fee. Don’t miss out!
Next Level Writing Genre Clinics APPLICATION DEADLINE is MARCH 1, 2016!