5 Creative Ways to Connect with Your Elementary Child

Let’s face it, life is busy and our kids are growing up before our eyes. We have to be intentional and set aside time to invest in our relationship with our kids while they are young so they will want to be around us when they are all grown up. Here are five creative ideas that can help you and your child connect.
1. Spend intentional time away together at a Parent-Child Retreat or Family Camp. Let someone else do the planning and cooking while you spend quality time with your child on a retreat away from all the distractions.
2. Play “Monster Finger” at the Park. Go to a park together and find a large stick (that is flimsy and not too pokey). Play hot lava monster using the stick as a “monster finger” to tag your child. This gets your child running and both of you laughing.
3. Create a Question Box together. Write down questions to ask each other and put them into a decorated box or bag. Use them to ask each other questions during meals or at bedtime.
4. Secret Driveway Dash. Get sidewalk chalk and use it to decorate a friend’s driveway with encouraging words and pictures. Keep it a secret from your friends and let them be surprised the next time they go outside!
5. Make Easy Slime Together and remind your child that even when life gets messy you will always love him/her.
Mount Hermon loves to help families connect. Follow us on Instagram or “like” our Facebook Page to get more family ideas and resources.