All-Star Volunteer: Marilyn DeCamp
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
It’s no secret that Mount Hermon has many faithful volunteers. Before 2020, they were a staple. Since then, they have become part of the backbone of Mount Hermon. They save this ministry hundreds of thousands of dollars annually, all while enriching our community, guests and staff with their joy, wisdom, hard work, and laughter.
And it’s no understatement to say that Marilyn DeCamp is a hidden gem. She humbly commands an army of volunteers, all of whom are loyal to Christ— and follow where Marilyn leads. She’s quite shy, but I teased her out for an interview so you could be blessed by hearing from her heart.
Topher: Marilyn, when did you first come to Mount Hermon?
Marilyn: I first came out from Porterville to visit my daughter, Julie, who was on Summer Staff in 1990. Little did I know that I would return permanently in 2009. I was working at a hospital and getting ready to retire. That August Julie got married and I bought her old Mount Hermon home. The day after moving, I was invited to an ice cream social at Jim & Bev Linman’s home, where Sharon Klippenstein cornered me into joining the Mount Hermon volunteers the very next day! I was hooked.
Topher: What do you like most about serving as a Volunteer?
Marilyn: The chance to serve alongside other volunteers and feel like one big happy family – on a mission, of course!
Topher: What are some of the roles that our volunteers fill on a regular basis?
Marilyn: So many! We do it all!
· Food & Dining
· Mailroom
· Bookshop
· Maintenance
· Advancement
· Registration
· Health Services
· And more!
Topher: How many volunteers do you coordinate these days?
Marilyn: More than you think. We have about 100 total volunteers with around 60 serving on a regular basis. It’s really something to see.
Topher: What would you share with someone interested in volunteering?
Marilyn: Volunteering at Mount Hermon is the opportunity of a lifetime. It really helps you understand all the workings of this ministry while making lifelong friends. If you’re bored, don’t be.
Join us!
Please join me in thanking Marilyn and our many volunteers next time you’re here!
If you are interested in volunteering at Mount Hermon, we always need Dining Hall greeters, Bookshop workers, plumbers, electricians, maintenance workers, gardeners, and more! Please email us at