Family Camp Victory

Every week of Family Camp, we gather together on Friday evening around an old-fashioned campfire in the redwoods we call Victory Circle. We pass the mic and allow guests like you to share victories that God has accomplished in the short course of a week. It’s always incredible to see how personally God connects with the lives of each person and family who attend. Here’s a story that lovingly reminded us of how God uses camp ministry to share his love with us.
Hi. We’re from Campbell, California and this is our first year at Family Camp (although the rest of our family have come here for the past three years). My husband and I have two kids with special needs… They are both on the spectrum, high functioning, but they have their struggles.
We came into this week really praying a lot that our kids, especially our son who is five (but is developmentally four years old), would be able to get on the train. Because of the loud noises, he wouldn’t go near the small scale train in Vasona Park. He would just freak out. We had wonderful one-on-ones with our kids all week— and down at the train too. Because of that, we’ve seen HUGE victory with our kids this week. Our son got on the train and he loved it! He couldn’t wait. When they were shouting, “whoo-whoo” he was joining in!
To see our children grow in the Lord this week has been a huge blessing to us. We’ve seen God in every single staff person we’ve encountered. Our daughter is gluten allergic and we asked the dining staff if they had anything— and they always brought something special out for her. When you come in as an exhausted Mommy and Daddy and you see the theme is “He restores my soul” you don’t think at a Family Camp that will really happen. But, because of the people that have come alongside our children, we have found refreshment for our soul. We have seen huge steps taken in the lives of our children. We’ll be back next year, hopefully being able to do the Canopy Tour.
We’re so thankful for this story of God’s goodness and the way He uses camp to show His love for us. This family is a great example that when we step out in faith, especially with our concerns, that God is faithful to restore our souls. We pray your next camp experience is just as surprising and refreshing.
Story by Topher Matson, Director of Strategic Funding