Redwood Staff Reunion

You would be hard-pressed to find a family more in love with Redwood Camp than the Martins! Susan and Lee met while on summer staff in the 1980’s, their daughters Grace and Hannah counseled for several years each, and their son Kendall was a Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) in 2010.
They told us, “Redwood Camp has given us an avenue to experience God’s grace. In that process, He put in our path some of the most amazing Christians we have ever met. To this day many of them remain very close friends.”
For years, Susan and Lee have wanted to bring their “camp friends” together for a Redwood Camp reunion, to reconnect, share stories, and relive the wonderful memories of a summer spent at camp. When they approached Mount Hermon about doing a reunion this year we were thrilled, and we quickly began working together. What transpired this August was a truly amazing experience, with former directors Dick Dosker and Ron Taylor, as well as more than 80 former Mount Hermon summer staff spanning 60 years of ministry, attending the event.
“What we experienced at the reunion was what makes Redwood Camp unique,” the Martins reflected. “A common purpose of changing kids’ lives for Christ, within an intentional, vibrant community. Even after many years, that characteristic was evident as we gathered together.”
If you have participated on the Mount Hermon staff and would like information about future Staff Alumni reunions, please let us know. We’d love to have you join us!
Andrew Summers is the Program Administrator, whose life was forever changed at Ponderosa. As an alum, he revels in how God continues to reveal Himself at Mount Hermon throughout the years.