Meet the Staff: Doug Cline
Over the years, God has brought together a unique blend of staff to Mount Hermon; we’re blessed to have a talented team working side by side. Since you’re our extended family, we’d like you to know the “in- house” family the Lord has brought together. Here is a little insight into Doug Cline, Conference Center Food Service Manager. Doug joined the Mount Hermon staff in March 2011.
Tell us a little about your family and how the Lord brought you to Mount Hermon?
DOUG: Lisa and I have been married for 18 years and have three lively daughters; Marla 14, Rosemary 11, and Lillie 9. We met while working at a camp near my hometown in Virginia. God called us out of that ministry and I fell in love with restaurant foodservice. Eight years later we got the itch to go back to camp life. Since our family has an adventurous soul, we started looking out west. After prayer and searching, Mount Hermon became the target for our adventure.
Give us a sound bite of your ministry philosophy and personal mission within your departmental world.
DOUG: Food and mealtime are important parts of the day. Our goal is for guests to leave the dining hall happy, full, and ready to hear what God is teaching them. We view it as a joy to serve our guests with great tasting local, fresh and healthy meals.
What’s new on the horizon for you and your team this year?
DOUG: We really love where we work and get to live! Not just Mount Hermon, but Santa Cruz County. We want to show the community what we do and where we live. We are planning to get involved with more local growers and welcome local schools for culinary field trips.
How can we pray for you and your team?
DOUG: The food service team is a joyous one that loves to serve our guests. Pray that we keep the main goal of sharing Christ through our spirit service during the busy growing times here at Mount Hermon.
As you think of them, please take the time to pray for these important departments and these two team members who head them up.