Kidder Creek EIR Update
August 10, 2021

Nearly ten years ago the combined leadership of Kidder Creek Camp and Mount Hermon submitted a new ministry plan to Siskiyou County, requesting an update of Kidder’s master site plan. The process has been plagued with setbacks, multiple transitions in county leadership and changing attitudes towards expansion locally. Through it all, we’ve continued to see the Lord provide during critical moments by providing funds, volunteers and favorable study results. Prior to the onset of COVID, we were in the second and final phase of completing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and only needed to address a few concerns that were raised during the public comment period. As with many things, COVID put our plans on hold, but now that camp is open and operating again we are finishing the EIR and hope to deliver it to Siskiyou County around the end of the year.
After being closed for overnight programs for most of 2020, Kidder Creek is now enjoying its busiest summer of ministry ever! Camps are running at capacity, we’ve added new family program options and we’re hosting churches from around the state through our guest adventures programs, yet we still have a wait list of campers and groups that we couldn’t fit in! Even though the Kidder Creek property is over 400 acres and we have plenty of “space” for more campers, we’re limited under our current master site plan to an overnight occupancy of 165 guests. Increasing our overnight occupancy is arguably the most important part of the new master site plan as it allows us to minister to more youth and families.
Kidder Creek has always been about rustic natural adventures in God’s creation led by loving Christian staff, and while an approved master site plan doesn’t change Kidder’s core, it will provide several necessary improvements to the camper experience and camp infrastructure. After approval, one of the first projects we plan to tackle is the addition of a bathroom, changing room and shower facility adjacent to the pond. The pond and surrounding recreation areas are in the heart of camp and used by every camper, so this critical improvement will impact everyone. We also plan to add shower facilities and small covered pavilions to our “Outback” site which serve our wilderness, mountain bike and guest adventures programs allowing those campers both a shower and a shady place to rest between activities. These simple improvements, coupled with an increased overnight occupancy, will allow Kidder Creek to minister to more campers and to better provide for campers during their stay.
We need your help and prayers to push the EIR across the finish line. Right now we’re completing the last required studies and then the EIR will be repackaged and sent to Siskiyou County. The anticipated price tag for this is $50,000 and we’re seeking support to make it happen. You can also join us in prayer for the approval of the EIR, good relationships with the neighbors, and for the future ministry opportunities this approval unlocks. Thank you for your prayers and support as we use rustic natural adventures to tell youth and families about Jesus!
Nate Pfefferkorn
Vice President of Strategy and Adventure
Vice President of Strategy and Adventure