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Shower Houses & Unexpected Blessings

Shower Houses & Unexpected Blessings

Since 1906, the good news of Jesus has reached tens of thousands at Redwood Camp.


Over the last few years, the Lord has generously provided for needed ministry updates throughout its campus, including the complete remodel of all cabins from top to bottom. We have also updated recreational zones, built two cabins that serve campers with mobility issues and added a covered recreation pavilion. Each strengthens the mission and ministry directly. One key area in need of funding remained….the boys and girls shower houses.



Redwood Camp’s shower houses are over 60 years old! They have served us well but it is time to tear down and start anew. God’s funding plan included a surprise, from a long time ministry friend, Marilyn!


Marilyn loved Mount Hermon and loved kids. Even though she never had children of her own, introducing boys and girls to Jesus was a high priority to her and she knew Redwood Camp was one of the best places to do this. Marilyn graduated and went home to Jesus in 2020.


Marilyn lived a simple life. No fancy cars, fancy house or fancy clothes but she gave joyfully to Mount Hermon for many years. Upon her graduation, we learned she had directed approximately $400,000 from the sale of her home to go to Mount Hermon. A bequest. Those funds are a big part of the Lord’s provisions to rebuild the shower houses, which will help keep kids coming to camp where they will meet Jesus just as Marilyn wanted!


Just days after receiving this unexpected blessing, we were surprised by another generous bequest gift of $150,000. We had no idea either one of these gifts were on their way, but God did. By including Mount Hermon in their estate plans, both of these thoughtful partners in ministry dramatically impacted the completion of the shower house rebuild. These are such beautiful examples of the very important part our Redwood Society donors play in God’s financial provision for Mount Hermon.


It’s been said that what we do for ourselves dies with us, but what we have done for others remains. These three friends of Mount Hermon exemplified this. Yet more importantly, they exemplified

2 Corinthians 9:7 

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


The Redwood Society exists to thank those who have included Mount Hermon in their will or estate plans. For more information please contact 821.430.1243 or [email protected]
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