Ponderosa Lodge Construction Update

We’re thrilled to announce that after more than 50 years of heavy duty ministry use, Ponderosa Lodge is receiving some critical construction updates starting this fall. And it’s all because of a few significant gifts and a lot of faithful ministry partners just like you.
If you’ve experienced Ponderosa Lodge, or “Pondy” as many affectionately call it, you’ll remember its iconic mid-century style construction and pyramid style rooflines. Passing by the Forum you encounter large, hefty beams supporting a long, sunny walkway with open views of Ponderosa Pines, two pools and many steps leading down to the cabin villages. It’s this stretch of space that is most succumbing to time, moisture and erosion.
The updates required are largely structural. One side of the building is holding back a mountain of moving sand and soil. The low angle slanted roofs are sagging from rain and sun exposure. The kitchen has taken the fiercest beating, feeding thousands of campers a year for half a century. It’s time to get inside and renew it from the ground up.
These updates are significant enough to require camp closure for a time, but we look forward to welcoming back campers in June 2022.
Here’s the fun part: God has already provided a way to begin! An initial gift of $500,000 came in from a generous donor and the Mount Hermon board has approved the use of additional funds needed to begin this significant project. On top of that, Mount Hermon will be partnering with Bogard Construction, the original builders, who three generations later continue to work closely with Mount Hermon for the Kingdom. It’s fun to see the same great care that built Ponderosa Lodge in 1968 teaming up to give it new life again. We’ve seen what worked well and aged well, and we can make it even better for the future.