While we’re grateful to soon be returning to hosting overnight guests at our Santa Cruz campus the reality is that over the past year we’ve had to say goodbye to several beloved staff. We have done a deep dive into our operations and staffing structure and are now poised to rebuild our staff team in preparation for an exciting summer and fall of ministry with our Family Camp programs, Redwood Day Camp and fall guest groups.
Did you know that every summer we hire hundreds of Christian young people to work in ministry positions at all four of our camps? This year with the decision to not operate Ponderosa Lodge summer camp we’ve been able to invite many students to minister at Family Camp or Kidder Creek but we’re still critically short staffed in a few key areas:
We could use your help in getting the word out which is why we’ve revamped our “Finders” program. A Finder does a very simple and important job- they share their experience with others and encourage them to be a part of the camp ministry by applying to serve on Summer Staff at Mount Hermon. Oh, and for every person that you refer that gets hired we’ll give you a $100 finders bonus! All you have to do is register on our
Finders page and all an applicant has to do is list you as the “source” of how they heard about the position and, when they’re hired, we’ll pass $100 along to you. Finders bonuses can stack too, so the more friends you refer the merrier. Of course, what you do with your finders bonus is up to you!
You can also help spread the word by sharing your experience and excitement for the summer on social media. Just use the tag #whyiworkatcamp and direct people to whyiworkatcamp.com to apply!
We also have a number of full and part-time positions open across a broad spectrum of careers. If you or someone you know has always dreamed of ministering at Mount Hermon we’d love to hear from you! All our open jobs can be found at mounthermon.org/jobs.
We’re excited to see who the Lord provides, to meet new friends, and have new partners in the ministry!