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Blog. Tweet. Live.

Blog. Tweet. Live.

Does the concept or the application of blogging, following, timeline posting, tweeting, and pinning baffle you? Overwhelm you?

Hurry, get your calendar and add the Mount Hermon Head Start Pre-Conference Track, March 25-27, 2015!

March 2015 Blogging Track


Seriously! Could you use some help with blogging and social media? Want tutored on the what, why, how, and when of using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media? Mount Hermon has you covered!

Meet Laura Christianson, owner of Blogging Bistro, and the Head Start Track mentor for Take Your Blogging and Social Media to the Next Level.

Laura Christianson Head Start Mentor


The Head Start Pre-Conference Track offers an added-value opportunity for a small additional fee.

  • Entrance to the Head Start Pre-Conference Track is by application only
  • Application Deadline: Friday, March 13, 2015
  • Space is limited, eight participants per clinic.

Click here for more information on the Guidelines and Application process for the Head Start Pre-Conference Track.


WAIT! There’s more for bloggers . . .

During the Main Conference, March 27-31, don’t miss Chris Tiegreen’s afternoon workshop ~ I Blog, Therefore I Am!

Chris Tiegreen  Walk Thru the Bible Editor and Workshop Leader


YOUR TURN: Where are you when it comes to Blogging and Social Media? Lovin’ it? Love/Hate? Antagonist? Mystified? Apathetic? Other?

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