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Mount Hermon Youth Events
We love re-connecting with Mount Hermon Summer Staff Alumni and finding out where and how…
By Todd Clark Question: What’s cooler that teaching kids about God through His amazing creation…
By Kara “Quack” Podesta Since I began working in the Children’s Ministry department, one of…
By Zak Flowers This year’s Fall Frenzies were a great success as well as a…
At the end of summer, in that space before fall commences, Redwood Camp is still…
It’s no doubt one of the questions we get asked the most: What the theme…
When I was a student in southern California, and made countless drives up and…
Written By: Kelsey Paterson Many people ask what a typical day at work looks like…
An Inside Look at the Mount Hermon Intern Program One of the many experiences that…
18 years ago, I was on Mount Hermon’s summer staff at Ponderosa Lodge. It was…
Maybe you’ve seen CILT in the Mount Hermon Brochure, or heard someone at Mount Hermon…
In a little over a month, I will head back out to Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary…
Mount Hermon is known for creating amazing camp experiences. What many people don’t know is…
A summer theme always begins with an idea: a simple comment in a text, a…
Amata is a two-week camp experience that can be summed up in two words: beloved…
For camp ministry to be more than just a mountaintop experience in youth ministry, partnerships have to be fostered and built with parents, the church and the students.
Mount Hermon’s Ponderosa Lodge is safe. My heart is secure in the Lord because of the people He surrounded me with there. Those people have helped me keep my camp high moving and getting better. Through them, I see God’s grace and God’s love. Thank you, Ponderosa Lodge.
Recess is a youth worker event held at Mount Hermon every fall. Here are five lessons I learned from Recess this year.
Join us in our “Beyond the 28 Day Challenge” Bible reading plan as we read through the Bible together after camp to continue following Jesus.